These 6 Easy Productivity Tips Will Improve your WFH Productivity
With over a year into the pandemic, working remotely is the new norm for a lot of us. And although some of us have embraced it, many others find the struggle to keep their work/life balance in check and stay productive.
The main problem is that we all have different lifestyles and responsibilities, so finding resources that can help us can be hit or miss. What’s great about this quick and easy list is that it can be incorporated into any work-from-home lifestyle.
Create a Productive Atmosphere
One of the most important parts of working from home is setting up a workspace. Having a designated area, no matter how small your home is, can tell your brain when it’s time to buckle down and get to work.
This includes an area where you can set up your essential tools like a computer, phone, keyboard, and essential office supplies. You should have a level working surface and the most supportive chair you can find. While it might be tempting to work from bed or the couch, you’ll quickly find out that it will quickly affect your productivity and your posture.
In cases where your work area doubles for other things (ie kitchen, living room) you’ll need to mentally clock in and create boundaries for yourself and others in your home for when you’re in work mode.
And lastly, make sure you have your water, coffee, tea and some healthy snacks ready and nearby to avoid getting up while you’re working. It might seem like a small thing, but getting up to “get something from the kitchen” unplugs you and has a chance to ruin your momentum.
Studies have shown that it can take up to 23 minutes to get back on track after a distraction. Multiply that by the number of times you get distracted and that number should scare you a bit! So make sure you’re prepared and you can reduce distractions and stay as productive as possible during your peak hours.
Stretch your Legs and Move
First I tell you to stay put, then I tell you to move. I’m just the worst, right? But there’s a method to the madness so stay with me here. Every hour, make sure to stretch your legs and even do a small activity to keep your energy levels up and your blood flowing.
What you do is entirely up to you, but a good stretch or a quick walk can recharge your batteries and help you focus in the long run. Plus, it’s recommended that you don’t sit for hours on end. Remember, sitting is the new smoking.
Maintain a Schedule
Your 9-5 had you working on a specific schedule, and as the entrepreneur of your work from home career, you should create one for yourself too. It’s just as important for you to set your productive hours as it is to set your downtime. I learned the hard way that working when there’s work takes over your life and sets a lasting precedent that can be harmful to your career and your health.
Whether you’re an employee or a freelancer, being clear about your schedule gets everyone on the same page and allows you to have a great balance in your day-to-day.
Discover New Work from Home-friendly Software
I’ve had a good time exploring the new software that has sprouted since working from home has become the norm. Seriously, they’re not just productivity and time management either, there are lots of fun and helpful Saas tools to get you through the day easier.
Seven is a fitness app designed for the work-from-home crowd. As mentioned earlier, stretching your legs and taking quick breaks are great for health and productivity. With that in mind, they designed 7-minute workouts on an easy-to-use platform so you can take a breather and work a little sweat.
Find yourself surfing the web when you know you shouldn’t be? StayFocused helps you out by letting you load URLs to websites that you know are your weakness, set a timer, and block them from use, giving you a window of productivity to get things done.
Need ambiance to get things done? My Noise creates a coffee-shop type hustle and bustle that whisks you back to the days of sipping lattes at your favorite java joint.
Focus@will uses neuroscience to offer instrumental music proven to increase your productivity. Science, am I right?
Stay Social
No matter where your team is distributed from, being part of a community is an important aspect. When you’re working from home, make sure they have tools to keep you in constant communication with your peers, whether it’s about communicating about projects or just shooting the breeze,
With tools like Slack, Zoom, and cool engagement tools like 15Five, which helps measure how your team is doing with daily and weekly questionnaires.
Set Reasonable Expectations for Yourself
Last but not least, your well-being is fundamental. And making sure that your job doesn’t overtake your life and burn you out is just as important as setting home boundaries so you don’t underproduce. Thankfully, this blog and others like it can point you in the right direction and help you create a balanced and fruitful atmosphere during your work-from-home career.